Boalkhali, Chattogram.

Message from Principal

Professor Ferdous Ahmed


Syedpur Hassan-Shahinur Academy, Boalkhali-Chittagong, is a unique English version school under National Curriculum in South Chittagong which caters to the need of quality education to the children at an affordable cost. The conducive academic environment offers an ideal phenomenon for learning and growing up in a balanced way.

Located in a calm and quiet rural set up, the academy is smart with all modern privileges for students to unlock their latent qualities. Here the students are taught with immense love and care by a team of highly qualified, experienced and efficient faculty. The academy runs through a trimester system (Spring, Summer & Fall) in order for assessing the academic excellence of the students with three term exams at the end of each semester. Since 2010 our students have brought laurels for school by their extraordinary performances in all the public examinations of PECE, JSC & SSC Exams.  

The academy provides the students with ample opportunities to be engaged in various types of co-curricular and extracurricular activities for their all round development. Since its inception in 2010, the school has regularly been organizing the annual games and sports competitions, cultural functions, debating, set and extempore speech competitions, Art competitions, study tour, agricultural and industrial tours, tree plantation programs, cleaning drive, celebrations of National Days so on and so forth with a view to enhancing the domain of our students’ knowledge and wisdom beyond the classroom teaching. Through proactive participations to these multifaceted activities, we believe, our students will learn the best    beside the theoretical and contextual knowledge.  This pragmatic approach to education will definitely help our students to be fitting citizens of the nation and make them capable enough to embrace the emerging challenges of the millennium.

May Allah fulfill our efforts to make SHS ACADEMY a true centre of disseminating the light of knowledge.